Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Round Top.. Round 1

Rise and shine...............Our first trip to Round Top was a new experience all together! We were suppose to meet at, Tara and her Lover boy's house at 8 in the morn. Well without exception my Cuz, Brandi is right on time! But me and Kelly are late as usual! Are Tara and Brandi mad......... well they seemed fine when I got there...... Anywhooooo! We are ready to go!! Throw the suitcases in the back, grab your cowgirl hat, don't forget about our buggies, lock up the fabulously blinged out cooler in Tumble Weed Sally! Well San Anton, we forgot the locks.......... to Wally World we go. So by this time, it's about 930 or 10 in the morning. All we are concerned about is alcoholic beverages and locks for Tumble Weed Sally, so no one steals our appealing to any ones eyes, stuff! So we are running around the store, giggling at ourselves, like a bunch of teenage silly immature girls, getting our much needed supplies. Grab some McDonald's and head out the door. We got three locks for three doors on Sally! Good to go......now we are starting roll!

Destination set........ GPS won't do us wrong, PSSSSSSSH! We miss our turns, do circles, and U-turns all with Tumble Weed Sally on our tail. Then........ Kelly says, "Crap, I forgot to FILL up!" Is there a gas station in sight?????................ NoOOooO, no where!(we drive 30miles, no gas station)  So what do we all do?? PRAY! I mean we are so below E we are riding on Fumes! Chug a Chug, we barely roll into a gas station.....and wipe the sweat from our brows. That was close, a little to close!

Hotel Crapola....... Fancy Nancy is not in this Hotel/Motel vocabulary! But it will do, it doesn't matter to us! If you sleep on one side of the room it's hot as Hell........ but if you sleep on the uncomfortable fold out coach, ( which is where I slept) then you FROZE!! I mean it was freaking cold, in the middle of the night I went around the room looking for any jackets, clothing, clean or dirty, it didn't matter to put over me to stay warm! FaaaRREZZING! It was a LOVELY establishment.........but what can I say we still had a great time! ( No Husbands and no kids, that just sounds relaxing! We love our babies, but we need our reboot time)

Unload and Mov'em on out........... Driving towards Round Top to see what the fuss is all about!  We see lots of places to shop, choices.... choices...... We get to Warrenton and that's where our wheels find rest. We jump out of the truck grab our wine, blinged out wine glasses, and our understated buggies! As soon as we get started we find out that Mattew McConaughey was strolling through getting his junk fix on, yesterday!! Well that is exciting, although we are all devastated we didn't get here and see that EyE CaNdY, yesterday. We decided to mess with Christian cause, she didn't get butt in gear and come with us!(Well..... she couldn't find a Babysitter)  Ring, Ring......... "Hello?"............"Oh My Gosh, Christian! We just saw Mattew McConaughey and got our pictures taken with him!!!"......................... "WHAT? SHUT UP!!! I'm headed down there right now!"....................... "Ha Ha, we are just messing with ya!!" 

Who do I spy with my eye??....... Shop, Shop, until we Drop, Drop! Wanting to lacing it up with Cowboy boots and Pearls Pearls and more Pearls tonight for PROM! We head on over to the Junk Gypsy Booth and buy a little Sum'en, Sum'en! Then as we turn, we spy Miranda Lambert!! Yes this is real....... we see her! She's just Chillin, like a normal, nothing special girl! Oh....... we want to go up to her, but we don't want to bother her.....I mean what if she doesn't want to be noticed and she just wants to be normal for the day??? I mean I don't want to take that away from her. So as we are contemplating getting our pictures made with her, get this! These women ask US...... if they can get our picture. We think they are joking at first....... But no... they are not! They want a picture of us and our buggies and then one with us and them! That just opened a door for other people to take pictures of us! We just died laughing.......... cause here we are wanting a picture with Miranda Lambert and here is all these people wanting a picture with us! It was just so CrAzY! We decided not to bother Miranda, , (after our photo shoot, lol) but we did see her and that was really cool! Of course......we had to mess with Christian again............Ring, Ring............ "Hello?".............."Christian, you will never believe this but............" "WHAT????? SHUT UP!!!!"

Shopping we did............ I remember thinking, I'm not gonna buy anything........., I don't need anything......, but happen? Tumble Weed Sally gained weight after Round Top! She ate herself some chairs, tables, and trunks, a little of this and little of that! What can I say, she was HuuUUuggGrrrRy and we all needed to feed her...... I still love all the things I bought in Round Top that week! We had a FaBuLoUs time, just hanging out, being girls, dressing up for prom, drinking Pink Panties(Recipe will follow-just a little mixture we drank on prom night that are yummie!!!), shopping, laughing, being silly, and feeding our souls! Love you LadiEs!!!!!!

Keep on Road Trippin,